8. Love over the Wires

Since the spread of telegraph access to general public, lovers enjoyed the advantages of this new invention. Brides and grooms in different cities got married with the help of the telegraph; surprisingly, these marriages were deemed to be legal. However, telegraph made it difficult for runaway coupes to run for their loves at the same time. Love stories between telegraph operators were also something common. Close relationships were built among telegraph operators through their everyday communication over the wires or in the workplace, and some relationships ended into marriages. The telegraph even helped brides and grooms to get married with a minister on the other end of the wire.

The distinctive position of a telegraph operator also brought drawbacks. Sometimes, operators found ways to flirt with other operators; this was very hard to control because operators could easily contact each other over the wires in a daily basis. This caused several problems in the community of telegraph operators since this particular position required operating speed.

by Sixuan, Amanda and Greta

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