
The Hairdryer

Inspired by the vacuum cleaner, Alexandre Goldefroy invented the first hairdryer in 1890 for his hair salon in France. Although it was not portable or handheld, women could sit underneath this machine and have their hair professionally dried rather than drying it themselves with a vacuum cleaner. It took thirty years for the hairdryer to go on the market in a handheld form. At a cost of $11.50, these hairdryers were heavy, difficult to use, and had many instances of overheating and electrocution. Luckily, since the 1920s, revolutionary developments have been made to the hairdryer. Drastic improvements were made concerning the wattage input, the superficial exterior, and the materials used to construct the machine. As such, the size, weight, noise, and appearance of the hairdryer has gone from being a heavy, bulky, and noisy contraption of the early twentieth century to the streamlined plastic one that people are used to using today. Moreover, today’s hairdryers can be purchased from various retailers including pharmacies, discount and department stores, hair salons, and online. Ranging from $20-$200, hairdryers now offer consumers a wide range of features and options to better suit their needs and hair type.

Wikipedia contributors. “Hair dryer.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 20 Mar. 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2012.


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