
By Lora

The radio

The origins and ‘invention’ of radio are numerous and controversial since many individuals—inventors, engineers, developers, businessmen – contributed to final product that is the modern radio. Early radio designs, called “wireless telegraph”, could not convey sound or speech.

Radio had been used in different ways and in various situations. Early uses were maritime; the radio was used to transferring telegraphic messages between ships and land. One of the most memorable uses of marine telegraphy was in 1912. During the sinking of the infamous ship the “Titanic”. It was used as a means of communications between operators on the sinking ship and nearby vessels; using the radio the operators transmitted to shore stations listing the survivors. Moreover, the radio was used for military services. For example, in World War I, they relied on it to pass on orders and communications between armies and navies on both sides.

Radio programs, became widespread in the 1920s and 1930s. Today, wireless networks, mobile communications and radio broadcasting, all are considered various forms of radio.


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